Payment Processors


This guide will walk through setting up your Midtrans account with Checkout.

How does it work

The integration uses the Midtrans SNAP interface to securely process payments on hosted Midtrans pages. When a customer selects to purchase your product on a checkout page, CheckoutJoy will set up a transaction with Midtrans and redirect the customer to the Midtrans SNAP page.

After payment has been processed, the customer will be taken back to your website and your configured thank-you page.

Supported Payment Options

  • One-time payments
  • Multiple payments
  • Subscriptions

Setting up Midtrans as a payment method on CheckoutJoy

To add Midtrans as a payment method on CheckoutJoy, visit your CheckoutJoy account and select Payment Methods from the main menu.

Adding your account details

In the CheckoutJoy dashboard

  1. Navigate to Settings > Payment Methods
  2. Select your payment processor and click on Add

Finding your API Key

Your Server Key can be found in your Midtrans dashboard under Settings > Access Keys.

Be sure to use the Server Key

finding your Midtrans server key for Kajabi payments

Setting up webhook notifications

CheckoutJoy needs to be notified of any payment events that occur when a customer pays through Midtrans. To do this you need to add the CheckoutJoy webhook API address to your Midtrans account.

In your Midtrans dashboard,

  • Log in to your MAP
  • Navigate to Settings > Configurations
Payment Notification URL (opens in a new tab)
Finish Redirect URL (opens in a new tab)
Unfinish Redirect URL (opens in a new tab)
Error Redirect URL (opens in a new tab)
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