Payment Processors


This guide will walk through setting up your Razorpay account in CheckoutJoy.

Quick Setup Guide

Supported Payment Options

  • One-time payments
  • Multiple payments
  • Subscriptions

Adding your account details

In the CheckoutJoy dashboard

  1. Navigate to Settings > Payment Methods
  2. Select your payment processor and click on Add

Finding your API Key ID and Secret

Your Razorpay API key can be generated in your Razorpay dashboard under Settings > API Keys.

Setting up webhook notifications

CheckoutJoy needs to be notified of any payment events such as successful payment authorizations or refunds in order to manage your customer's access to your Kajabi offers.

To do this you need to add the CheckoutJoy webhook API address to your Razorpay Webhook configuration.

In your Razorpay dashboard,

  • Navigate to Settings > Webhooks
  • Select the Add New Webhook button top right
  • Fill in the form with the following details
Webhook URL (opens in a new tab)
SecretAny string value
Active EventsSelect all Payment Events, Subscription Events and Refund Events
Finding your Instamojo api key

Setting up Razorpay as a payment method on CheckoutJoy

To add Razorpay as a payment method on CheckoutJoy, visit your CheckoutJoy account and select Payment Methods from the main menu.


Subscriptions and Multiple Payments

CheckoutJoy supports both subscription and multiple payment options for Kajabi offers.

When you create an Offer on CheckoutJoy with Subscription or Multiple Payments billing type, CheckoutJoy will automatically create a new Subscription Plan in your Razorpay profile.

**Note - you need to first set up your Razorpay payment method and API access information before creating a subscription offer in CheckoutJoy.